
Department for Education says: 

It is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience, including their attainment, wellbeing, and wider life chances. The pupils with the highest attainment at the end of key stage 2 and key stage 4 have higher rates of attendance over the key stage compared to those with the lowest attainment.’ Working Together to Improve School Attendance 2022 (DFE)

Having a good level of attendance at school gives your child the best chance of success in achievement and progress both now and in the future.

What is our school aim for attendance?

Attendance is a key priority at Swarcliffe Primary School. We seek to ensure that all children receive an education which enables them to teach their full potential. We believe that all children should take maximum advantage of the opportunities offered to them in school to enable them to reach their full potential. Being at school, on time, every day is crucial to your child maximising their potential.

There is a strong link between good attendance and increased attainment. Children who regularly attend school make much better progress socially and academically. Regular attendance enables pupils to adapt better to routines, schoolwork and friendship groups. 

We are committed to work in partnership with parents and agencies to ensure that every child at Swarcliffe Primary can get the best education possible. We have clear and effective systems and strategies in place which promote and celebrate regular attendance for all. 

Our Attendance Policy and Safeguarding policies supports our approach to attendance. Click here to view policies.  

Why is it important to attend school regularly?

Attending school is important for lots of reasons:

  • Statistics show a direct link between under-achievement and absence below 95%.
  • Supports your child's academic achievements.
  • Promotes positive wellbeing and wider development.
  • Develops social skills and confidence. 
  • Promotes good routines and changes in life. 
  • Attending school regularly safeguards the welfare of children whilst they are not in the care of their parents/carers. 

By law, children of compulsory school age must be in suitable full-time education. As a parent/carer, you are legally responsible for making sure they attend Swarcliffe Primary School on a regular basis. Persistent, low attendance may result in a fine or prosecution in court. 

When may my child not attend school?

There are only a small number of circumstances where missing school is permitted. Your child must attend every day that school is open, unless: 

  • Your child is too ill.
  • You have asked in advance and have been given permission by school for exceptional circumstances. 
  • You child is observing a religious event. 
  • Your child's transport to school is arranged by the local authority and it is not available. 

There are few circumstances where school can permit your child to be absent. 

NHS: Is my child too ill for school?

What are the different types of absence?

A day at school is split into two sessions of attendance - morning and afternoon. Every 1/2 day of absence from school, by law has to be classified as authorised or unauthorised. 

Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons away from school for a good reason: illness, medical appointments and emergencies.  

Unauthorised absences are mornings or afternoons away from school for reasons which are not recognised as acceptable. The Department for Education (DfE) and Local Education Authorities (LEA) provide information on what is acceptable and what is not:  

  • a birthday;
  • a trip/day out; 
  • shopping;
  • holidays. 


Holidays during term time are always unauthorised. Schools are not allowed to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday (during term time).  

Requests for leave must be made to school in advance on an Exceptional Leave Form. Parents may receive a penalty notice if their child is absent from school without permission. 

What is the school procedure when my child is absent?

Contact the school office via a call or a text message on the first morning and notify us of the absence and provide us with a reason. If contact is not made the following procedure will be followed: 

Policy                                                                                                      Vulnerable Policy

Day 1: Absence text/call to main contact held on SIMS.                         Phone call to contacts held on SIMS. 

Day 2: Phone call to contacts held on SIMS.                                          Home visit carried out by Attendance Off.

Day 3-5: Home visit may be carried out by Attendance Officer.              Welfare Check (which could be PSCO). 

Day 10: Welfare Check (which could be PSCO).                                    Follow LA attendance process. 


We work on a case-by-case basis, depending on the needs of the child and family. 

Repeated absences will lead to targeted monitoring by school attendance staff. These targets for improvement will be clear and communicated to pupil/parent or carer. School will organise support to remove any barriers although this must be a two-way process. School will organise meetings to discuss and review attendance and you will be given formal notice of these. 

Top Tips for Encouraging Your Child to Attend School...

  • Talk to your child about why school and good attendance is important. 
  • Take an interest in their education - ask about school work and encourage them to join in. 
  • Talk to school about any concerns your child has about school.
  • Don't keep your child off for minor ailments. 
  • Arrange appointments and outings after school; at weekends and/or during school holidays.  

School Support

Sometimes a child's attendance can be affected by:

  • friendship issues;
  • housing or care arrangements; 
  • transport; 
  • money.


At Swarcliffe Primary School we aim to work collaboratively with parents/carers as this will results in positive attendance and learning outcomes for our children. We promote attendance and punctuality in a variety of ways including positive reinforcements and rewards. Improvements in attendance are rewarded as well as high attendance. 


Attendance Letters are sent out each term to inform parents/carers of their child's attendance percentage (%) up to that point in the school year. Each child will have a RAG rating for their attendance (red, amber, green). Attendance monitoring and actions will come from these percentages. 

Certificates, Prizes and Stickers are used on a regular basis with children in school. The Attendance Officer monitors attendance daily and provides children with immediate praise through stickers. Attendance is shared each week during Celebration Assembly and prizes are given for 100% attendance. The class with the highest attendance that week receive a £10 reward.  

Attendance Trips are organised for children who have high attendance over a term and over the whole year (above 98%). Trips include Flamingo Land and Temple Newsam.  


School registration takes place each morning at 8:45am and each afternoon between 1pm - 1:20pm (depending on Key Stage). Children who arrive after 9:05am are deemed to be late and will be coded as such. Staff are around on the playground and at class lines at both ends of the day should you wish to speak to anyone. 

Parents/carers will be contacted by school if their child is persistently late. Being late to school has a significant impact on the amount of learning time lost over a school year.