Academic Year: 2023-2024

 Transition Day 

One of the most exciting days of the summer term - finding out which class we will be in next year!

UKS2 Kingswood Residential 

Some of our Year 5 and Year 6 children enjoyed our annual residential taking part in outdoor activities such as: 3G Swing, Zip Line and the Night Line. 

Year 6 Production: Aladdin Trouble 

We all enjoyed watching our Year 6 children share their version of Aladdin. We are all so proud of you all for a fantastic performance!


Sports Day

The wet and cold weather did not stop our Sports Day this year. Our children were fantastic at competing in the events. Thank you to everyone who came to watch. 

Reception Graduation

There wasn't a dry eye in the hall this year watching our Reception children receive their certificates before they move up to Year 1. Well done Ladybirds and Butterflies for a fantastic year of learning. 

Big Noise 

The event of the year! Everyone looks forward to this all year and this one did not disappoint. We have some brilliant singing talent here at Swarcliffe. There were amazing performances from our children from KS1 and KS2. Well done everyone!

Reception Class: Forest Schools

Our last Forest Schools session of the school year! 

CREST Awards

Miss Wilson thrilled us all with some live science experiments whilst our children showcased their own exciting science. It was a real treat for everyone to watch and fantastic to see so many children taking an interest in Science. Well done everyone!

Year 6 Leavers' Party 

Our Year 6 children thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon of outdoor fun. From bouncy castles to pizza, everyone had a brilliant celebration. 


3/4 trip to the Royal Armouries 

For our topic this half term we have been looking at the ruthless Romans, for this reason we visited the Royal Amouries in Leeds. 


3/4 Roman launch 

At the start of our topic this half term we had our own Roman day. 

1/2 Tree Planting

All of KS1 have worked together to plant over 150 trees in our outdoor area.

The aim of this was to create a hedgerow, to encourage more wildlife to our school grounds. 

Forest School Sessions

A group of 3/4 children have been participating in a series of Forest School sessions. 

They have enjoyed learning about all the different skills and activities that this entails, especially building their own dens!

Reception's Visit to Cannon Hall Farm May 2023

Reception had a fantastic time at Cannon Hall Farm. They learnt all about the different animals on the farm and how to look after them. They even watched a sheep race!

KS1's Trip To Manchester Airport!
KS1 have loved learning about Travel! We went to Manchester airport to explore the planes. We also created and tested our own vehicles!

KS1 Engineering Project

KS1 created model cars in their DT lessons. A few children then went to Leeds Beckett University to race them against other schools. 

Giraffes Visit from the Animal Lady!

The class had the pleasure of meeting Charlotte the Tarantula, Milkshake the Chameleon, Mango the Burmese Python and Gru the Tiny Owl. We held and stroked all the animals, even the scary ones...

Lotherton Hall Trips

By collecting the most seeds in our seed collecting competition, Wolves and Tigers won a class trip to Lotherton Hall. 

We completed a nature walk, looking for evidence of animal habitats and then explored the Wildlife World in the afternoon. 



Wolves' Class Trip to Armley Mills

Having a true Victorian experience within the classroom...

Pupils in Wolves learning how germs can spread using shaving foam! Lots of fun had!

Giraffes' Class Trip to Armley Mills 

Our Victorian classroom experience...

3E'S- Enrich, Enhance, Excite...

Cooking club: The children have enjoyed baking a range of healthy foods and of course tasting them! 

Performing arts: The children have enjoyed learning a range of dances and performing them too.