Promoting British Values
At Swarcliffe Primary School, British Values are an integral part of our teaching and wider curriculum. These 5 values are promoted daily throughout school life, including: lessons, assemblies, events, visitors and school ethos. We use every opportunity to link the specific teaching of British Values to stories, particularly picture books which can be shared across school.
A key part of our vision for children at Swarcliffe Primary is to ensure they become valuable and fully-rounded members of society who leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.
5 British Values
The Rule of Law
Individual Liberty
Mutual Respect
Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs
Here is a selection of books we use to promote British Values in school...
The Rule of Law
The importance of law is embedded throughout our curriculum and behaviour expectations. Our children are taught the value of law and how they govern and protect us. When dealing with behaviour, children learn that their are consequences when rules are broken. Visits from Police; the Fire Service; Cycle North; Road Safety are regular events in our annual calendar and help us to reinforce this message to all children.
Democracy is active within school and we encourage an environment where children are safe to speak their voice. Children have the opportunity to have their voices heard in the following groups: School Council; Food Ambassadors; Learning Leaders; Sports Council; Wellbeing Ambassadors; Eco-Warriors and Reading Champions. Children apply for their roles whilst School Councillors are elected.
Individual Liberty
Children are encouraged to make choices (alongside rules and laws). They are taught about their rights and freedoms in PSHE lessons. We use: You, Me, PSHE. These lessons also link to whole school themes and assemblies.
Our Pupil Voice responsibilities give all the opportunities to make choices and be themselves in a safe environment. Children are also offered choices with a range of lunchtime and after school clubs.
Mutual Respect
Across all areas of school, respect for all is promoted and modelled. We do this through our day-to-day conduct; high expectations of behaviour and our curriculum. We listen and respect each other and teach children that conflicts can be resolved calmly and fairly.
At Swarcliffe Primary, we recognise each other and our achievements. These are celebrated in our Friday Celebration Assemblies with invitations given to parents/carers to join.
Children have opportunities to take on responsibilities such as Reading Buddies; Playground Leaders and supporting KS1 lunchtimes. These roles help promote mutual respect across all phases.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Swarcliffe Primary are proud to be a multi-cultural and diverse school where we celebrate our different backgrounds and beliefs. Tolerance and respect are at the heart of our ethos and RE and PSHE curriculum. Our RE lessons teach children about different faiths and beliefs through stories, assemblies, themed events and visitors.