Welcome to Key Stage One

Welcome to our phase page. Here you will find information about school life for children who are in Year One or Two and in one of the following classes: Meerkats, Raccoons or Koalas.


Children in Key Stage One focus on:

  • Developing their independence in all areas of school life;
  • Learning how to read (decode), building on their learning from Foundation Stage;
  • hands on learning and exploring new concepts for themselves and
  • A love for learning.


These years are important for your child as they learn the fundamental learning blocks they need before moving on into Key Stage Two.

Summer 2- Kings and Queens

Welcome back to Summer 2! We are so excited for our new topic, Kings and Queens! We are going to be learning all about Kings and Queens, past and present, as well as different castles around the U.K.


Later in the term, we will be visiting Pontefract castle for a day of royal excitement!

We will be using castle herbs to create potions and medical remedies, visiting castle dungeons and exploring the grounds!

Our important person this half term is King Charles! We will be learning all about him and why he is important. We will look at his coronation and his family tree.

In Maths, we will be investigating statistics. We will be collecting data from our own class and recording this in different ways. 
We will also continue to practice our basic skills by working out and answering a variety of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions.#

In English, we will write a letter to the King to ask all about his first year in charge of the country! We will look at features of a letter and ensuring that we include these in our own!

We will also combine our English and History lessons to research different members of the royal family to write our own fact files about the monarchy! We will compare King Charles with Henry VIII!


In Science, we will be conducting 'weather-related' experiments!! We will use enquiry skills to make predictions, write a method and record results for our 'Ice in a can' experiment and 'Making ice cream'.


In D.T. we will design and build our own castle! We will develop a range of cutting, molding and manipulating skills to make our designs come to life! We will use our historical knowledge of castles to assist.

We will be continuing with our Read Write Inc Phonics Groups daily to develop our reading skills.

Home Learning:

We are continuing with the homework Rainbow this year, which can be found in the front of the children’s homework books. The children will have a range of tasks to choose from, and their points will be added up each week. Homework books should be returned to school on Wednesdays.

New reading books will be sent out weekly, we ask that you read with your child every day and write a short comment in their reading record to let us know how your child is doing with the book.

Please follow the links below if you wish to continue further learning at home;

Maths - https://whiteroseeducation.com/parent-pupil-resources/maths/home-learning

Phonics - https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parents/


PE Kit:

PE lesson will continue to take place on a weekly basis every Friday. Please can all children come dressed in their new PE kits which were given out at the beginning of the year and make sure they have a water bottle with them.


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Summer 1 - Our Environment

Welcome back to Summer 1! We are very excited to begin our new topic, Our Environment. We are going to be learning about the world around us and what we can do to help it. 

Important Person

Our important person this half term is Greta Thunberg. We will learn about her contribution towards trying to save the planet and all about climate change. 

In English, we will be focusing on the story 'Michael Recycle'. We will be writing our own character descriptions and re-writing parts of the story. We will look at non-fiction, all about recycling and what it is. We will use our knowledge to write an explanation text for others to learn all about recycling. 


In Maths, we will continue looking at multiplication and division to consolidate our previous learning. Our new areas of learning will be fractions and time.  


In Science, we will be looking at plants and trees and what they need to grow and stay healthy! This will be further embedded by our Forest School learning, where we will be looking at all the different plants and how to care for them. 


In Geography, we will be looking at our local area and maps. We will be looking at our environment around school, paying close attention to human and physical features.


In Art, we will be focusing on Vincent Van Gogh and his painting 'Sunflowers'. We will use a wide range of materials to help us create our own version. 


We will be continuing with our Read Write Inc Phonics Groups daily to develop our reading skills.

Home Learning:

We are continuing with the homework Rainbow this year, which can be found in the front of the children’s homework books. The children will have a range of tasks to choose from, and their points will be added up each week. Homework books should be returned to school on Wednesdays.

New reading books will be sent out weekly, we ask that you read with your child every day and write a short comment in their reading record to let us know how your child is doing with the book.

Please follow the links below if you wish to continue further learning at home;

Maths - https://whiteroseeducation.com/parent-pupil-resources/maths/home-learning

Phonics - https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parents/


PE Kit:

PE lesson will continue to take place on a weekly basis every Friday. Please can all children come dressed in their new PE kits which were given out at the beginning of the year and make sure they have a water bottle with them.




Toys From The Past!



                                                                                                                                  Discover the Charm of Vintage Toys



Welcome back to Spring 2! We are so excited to begin our new topic Toys. We are going to be learning about a range of old and new toys! We will begin our learning with a trip to Ilkley Toy Museum. 


Important Person

 Our important person this half term is Frank Caplan. We will learn about his contribution towards toys and about all his amazing inventions!





 In English, we will be focusing on the story 'Paddington Bear'. We will be writing instructions on how to make a marmalade sandwich! We will then become news reporters and write our own article. We will report on all Paddington's crazy adventures!


                                                                                                 Sandwiches | Paddington Bear Wiki | Fandom                                      Paddington: The original story of the bear from Darkest Peru: Amazon.co.uk:  Bond, Michael, Alley, R. W.: 9780007236336: Books



In Maths, we will be looking at money and the value of different coins. We will then use our number knowledge to learn about multiplication and division!


In Science, we will be looking at the seasons and the different signs of seasons. We will investigate the outdoors to look for the signs of Spring!


In History, we will be looking at toys over time! We will learn about old and new toys and create a timeline to show how toys have developed over time!


We will be continuing with our Read Write Inc Phonics Groups daily to develop our reading skills.

Home Learning:

We are continuing with the homework Rainbow this year, which can be found in the front of the children’s homework books. The children will have a range of tasks to choose from, and their points will be added up each week. Homework books should be returned to school on Wednesdays.

New reading books will be sent out weekly, we ask that you read with your child every day and write a short comment in their reading record to let us know how your child is doing with the book.

Please follow the links below if you wish to continue further learning at home;

Maths - https://whiteroseeducation.com/parent-pupil-resources/maths/home-learning

Phonics - https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parents/


PE Kit:

PE lesson will continue to take place on a weekly basis every Friday. Please can all children come dressed in their new PE kits which were given out at the beginning of the year and make sure they have a water bottle with them.



Under the Sea!

This half term we will be learning all about Under the Sea! 

We will begin our learning with a trip to The Deep!
We will be exploring what lives under the sea and how to keep our oceans clean and safe!

Important Person!

Our important person this half term is David Attenborough! We will be learning about his contributions towards understanding animals and their habitats.

In forest schools, we will be creating our own 'David Attenborough Style' documentary about the wildlife at school.


In English, we will be reading the story 'Tiddler'. We will be looking at character descriptions and will be creating our own character! 
We will also be looking at the main events in the story.

We will then become authors and rewrite 'Tiddler' with our own character and a different plot!

In maths, we will be continuing to learn about place value. 
We will use our knowledge to assist with addition and subtraction.

We will then learn about measuring.
We will learn to measure using standard and non-standard units of measure to secure our understanding.

We will also be looking at mass.
We will use vocab such as 'heavier' and 'lighter' before using balance and digital scales to compare the mass of different objects.

In Science, we will be looking at animals and their habitats.

We will also look at what animals eat and use the terminology 'herbivore', 'carnivore' and 'omnivore to describe animals.

We will also look at animals and their offspring. We will look at which animals do and do not look like their offspring and the name of adult animals and their babies!


In Geography, we will look at the sea side! We will be learning about human and physical features that we would find on a trip to the beach.

We will then compare this to the features of our local area, talking about the similarities and differences.


In Art, we will look at the artist Hokusai and his work. 

We will recreate some of his art work, developing our sketching, blending and texture techniques.

We will talk about our opinions of his art work and discuss what we do and do not like about his work.

We will be continuing with our Read Write Inc Phonics Groups daily to develop our reading skills.

Home Learning:

We are continuing with the homework Rainbow this year, which can be found in the front of the children’s homework books. The children will have a range of tasks to choose from, and their points will be added up each week. Homework books should be returned to school on Wednesdays.

New reading books will be sent out weekly, we ask that you read with your child every day and write a short comment in their reading record to let us know how your child is doing with the book.

Please follow the links below if you wish to continue further learning at home;

Maths - https://whiteroseeducation.com/parent-pupil-resources/maths/home-learning

Phonics - https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parents/


PE Kit:

PE lesson will continue to take place on a weekly basis every Friday. Please can all children come dressed in their new PE kits which were given out at the beginning of the year and make sure they have a water bottle with them.


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Welcome back, we hope you all have had a lovely half term. The topic we are focusing on this half term is Celebrations! 

Our important person this half term is, Guy Fawkes. We will be looking into Guy Fawkes and why he is significant. 

In Maths, we will be looking at addition and subtraction, money, multiplication (Year 1 - 2, 5 and 10 time-tables and Year 2 - 2, 5, 10 and 3 time-stables) and division. We will use this knowledge to practice counting money. We will be using different practical resources.


In English, we will be looking at instructions on how to make a Diya Lamp, diary writing in the style of Guy Fawkes and letter writing to Santa! Throughout our English lessons will be focusing on using adjectives to make our writing even more exciting, imperatives for instructions and time connectives.


In Art & Design, we will be looking at designing a Diya Lamp to go alongside out Celebration topic, as part as Diwali, The Festival of Light! This will then link to our English and writing instructions. 


In History, we are looking at who is Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. We will be using our skills to find out information about Guy Fawkes to be able to complete fact files about him. 


D&T, we are going to be creating and making moving Christmas cards. We will be thinking about what materials we will need and follow instructions. 


In Geography, we are going to use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the United Kingdom and its countries. We will look at directional language for children to be able to describe locations on a map. 


In Phonics, children will be continuing with the Read Write Inc Phonics Scheme which they will take part in daily sessions.


Home Learning:

We are continuing with the homework Rainbow this year, which can be found in the front of the children’s homework books. The children will have a range of tasks to choose from, and their points will be added up each week. Homework books should be returned to school on Wednesdays.

New reading books will be sent out weekly, we ask that you read with your child every day and write a short comment in their reading record to let us know how your child is doing with the book.

Please follow the links below if you wish to continue further learning at home;

Maths - https://whiteroseeducation.com/parent-pupil-resources/maths/home-learning

Phonics - https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parents/


PE Kit:

PE lesson will continue to take place on a weekly basis every Friday. Please can all children come dressed in their new PE kits which were given out at the beginning of the year and make sure they have a water bottle with them.




Welcome to brand new year in KS1! We are excited to be welcoming new children to the phase, and welcoming back our year 2’s. As always the year is full of exciting topics and learning, the topic we are focusing on this half term is Pirates!






Our important person this half term is… Blackbeard. We will be looking into the Blackbeard and why he is significant.


Blackbeard the Pirate for Kids ***


In Maths, we will be looking at number and place value. We will use this knowledge to practice adding and subtracting. We will be using different practical resources and will have opportunities to take our learning outdoors.


In English, we will be looking at creating a setting and character descriptions. We will be linking this to our topic and using the book ‘The Pirates of The Scurvy Sands’ to help create our pirate setting.  Throughout our English lessons will be focusing on using adjectives to make our writing even more exciting! We will also be writing a letter about treasure that has secretly been buried!



In Science, we will be looking at different materials and discussing their properties. We will use our material knowledge to design a pirate ship and the children will have the opportunity to build their own!


In Geography, we will be looking at the different oceans and seas. We will be learning their names, and using maps to locate them. We will also be looking into the seven continents of the world.


In Phonics, children will be continuing with the Read Write Inc Phonics Scheme which they will take part in daily sessions.


Home Learning:

We are continuing with the homework Rainbow this year, which can be found in the front of the children’s homework books. The children will have a range of tasks to choose from, and their points will be added up each week. Homework books should be returned to school on Wednesdays.

New reading books will be sent out weekly, we ask that you read with your child every day and write a short comment in their reading record to let us know how your child is doing with the book.

Please follow the links below if you wish to continue further learning at home;

Maths - https://whiteroseeducation.com/parent-pupil-resources/maths/home-learning

Phonics - https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parents/


PE Kit:

PE lesson will continue to take place on a weekly basis every Friday. Please can all children come dressed in their new PE kits which were given out at the beginning of the year and make sure they have a water bottle with them.

Read Write Inc. Phonics are doing daily phonics lessons on Facebook and YouTube for children to watch at home.
The films will only be available at the times below:
  • Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm 
  • Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm 
  • Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm

If you are unsure which set your child is being taught please contact your class teacher. 

Curriculum Newsletters

How else can you help at home?

  • Read to an adult every day for at least 10 minutes – books can be changed daily at school.
  • Complete homework activities as these are often practising skills learnt in class, especially in numeracy and spellings.
  • Talk to your children about their topic and encourage them to talk about their school day.
