Welcome to Foundation Stage

Learning in Foundation Stage

In Foundation Stage, we believe that young children learn best through play and following their own interests. With this in mind, we decide on a theme for each half term but this will often change direction based on the children's ideas and fascinations. 

Children in our Foundation Stage learn by exploring and investigating our areas of provision in which resources and activities are set to challenge and extend learning and development. In addition to our engaging indoor and outdoor provision, children take part in daily focused activities in which they are directly taught skills and knowledge in reading, writing and mathematics.

Autumn One: Who Am I?

Welcome to Foundation Stage at Swarcliffe Primary School! We are so excited to meet all of you and get to know you over this first half term.

This half term our learning is all about you! We will learn all about who is in our family, what our favourite colour is and the different activities we like to do. We will be making creative portraits of ourselves using different materials and thinking carefully about our different features. We will also be using our senses to talk about tastes, sights, feels and smells we like and dislike. We will be starting daily, whole class phonics sessions during this half term. We follow the Read Write Inc phonics programme so please check the link below for video clips and ways you can support your child at home.

In maths we follow the White Rose Maths programme. We will be learning all about the numbers 1-3 and securing our knowledge on each number by exploring different ways of showing the amount. We use BBC Numberblocks to support us with our mathematical understanding and development. We will also compare objects to see which group has more or less. We will be relating this to capacity to see which cups, pans and bowls can hold more or less liquid. 

If you would like to see how your child is settling into school, please check tapestry where there will be daily updates to show you the interesting activities your child has been partaking in :)

Autumn Two: How do we celebrate? 

It’s lovely to have you all back after half term, we hope you all had a lovely break! We have another busy half term coming up so please read on to find out what we will be getting up to.

This half term our learning is all about different celebrations. We will learn all about celebrations such as Diwali, weddings and of course Christmas. We will be making Diwali cards, wedding invitations and Christmas decorations. We will be continuing in our phonics groups this half term. Every child has now been given a reading book. Please can you read with your child at home as often as possible and write a little note in the reading log book.


In maths we will continue to follow the White Rose Maths programme. We will be learning all about the numbers 1-5 and securing our knowledge on each number by exploring different ways of showing the amount. We will also be learning to identify and compare 2D shapes.

Please remember to check Tapestry where there will be daily updates to show you the interesting activities your child has been partaking in :)

Spring 1- What does it take to be a Superhero?

Happy New Year to you all! It’s great to be back after half term, we hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and are feeling refreshed. We have a lot of learning to pack into the next five weeks so please continue reading to find out what we will be doing.

This half term, we have a SUPER exciting topic. We are learning about… Superheroes. Our main focus will be on Supertato which is a fictional character that is in a series of books by Sue Hendra. In literacy, we will be creating wanted posters, writing letters to Sue Hendra and writing about our own superpowers. We will be continuing in our phonics groups this half term. Every child has now been given a reading book. Please can you read with your child at home as often as possible and write a little note in the reading log book.

In the week beginning 15th January we are celebrating Friendship Week where we will be partaking in various activities that are being conducted across school.

In maths we will continue to follow the White Rose Maths programme. We will be learning all about the importance of the number 0. We will learn in depth about the numbers 6,7 and 8. We will also be learning about mass and capacity.

Please remember to check Tapestry where there will be updates on your child’s learning. We look forward to seeing you all at parents evening in the last week of half-term. :)

Spring 2- Is Goldilocks really naughty?


Welcome back everyone, we hope you all had a lovely break and are ready to get back to learning.

This half term, we have another exciting topic. We are learning about traditional tales. We will focus on tales such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, The Gingerbread Man, Jack and the Beanstalk and The Three Little Pigs. Towards the end of the half-term we will also be focusing on the celebration of Easter. We will be continuing in our phonics groups this half term. Every child has now been given a reading book. Please can you read with your child at home as often as possible and write a little note in the reading log book.

On Thursday 7th March it is World Book Day. On this day, your child can dress up as their favourite character from a book of their choice. There will be lots of fun reading and writing activities for your child to take part in.

In maths we will continue to follow the White Rose Maths programme. We will be learning all about length, height and time.  

Please remember to check Tapestry where there will be updates on your child’s learning.

Summer 1- What do we need to grow? 

Welcome back everyone, we hope you all had a lovely Easter break and are ready to get back to learning.

This half term, we are ready to start a new topic which is all about growing. We will focus on texts such as ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’, ‘The Tiny Seed’ and ‘The Growing Story’. Towards the end of the half-term we will also be caring for some chicks and we will observe watching them hatch and grow. We will be continuing in our phonics groups this half term. Please can you read with your child at home as often as possible and write a little note in the reading log book. We also send homework out every Friday in Reception, and the deadline to return it each week is Thursday. If your child completes it sooner, they are more than welcome to bring it into school before Thursday.

Please also keep in mind these dates…

Monday 6th May - Bank holiday

Monday 13th May - Eggs and chicks arrive in EYFS

Wednesday 12th June 3.30pm - Reception new starters meeting

Friday 24th May – Finish for half term holiday

Tuesday 4th June – Return to school for new half term

In maths we will continue to follow the White Rose Maths programme. We will be learning all about shape, patterns and composition of numbers.

Please remember to check Tapestry where there will be updates on your child’s learning.


Summer 2- What lives in the jungle?


Welcome back everyone, we hope you all had a lovely break and are ready to get back to school for our last half-term together in reception.

This half term, our topic question is... What lives in the jungle? We will focus on texts such as ‘Rumble in the Jungle’, ‘Slowly, Slowly said the Sloth ’ and we will also focus on some non-fiction texts. This half term we will also be preparing pupils for their next class. We want to make the move up as smooth as possible, so will be making sure pupils know how to cope with big changes. Pupils will be meeting their new class teachers, seeing the new classroom and getting to know the new expectations. If your child is worried about this then please let us know. Please can you read with your child at home as often as possible and write a little note in the reading log book. We also send homework out every Friday in Reception, and the deadline to return it each week is Thursday. If your child completes it sooner, they are more than welcome to bring it into school before Thursday.

Please also keep in mind these dates…

Wednesday 12th June 3.30pm – New Reception starters meeting.

Wednesday 19th June – Sam’s Safari visit EYFS

Monday 8th July 9.10am – Reception class assembly.

Wednesday 10th July – Class reports day

Friday 12th July – Sports day

Tuesday 16th July – Reception graduation


In maths we will continue to follow the White Rose Maths programme. We will be learning all about grouping, sharing and making connection with what they have already learnt.

Please remember to check Tapestry where there will be updates on your child’s learning.


We use Tapestry Online Learning Journal to build a special record of each child's experiences and journey through their time in Foundation Stage. We use photographs, videos and notes to show learning and progression through the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage).

Communication between staff and parents on Tapestry helps to build a shared understanding of how every child can reach their full potential, we therefore encourage all parents/carers to add to their child's profile. 

Stay and Play

We will be starting "Stay and Play" soon. Watch out for the dates on the newsletters.


Here is the link to Oxford Owl where you will find lots of reading books that match your child's reading level. For your username and password please see the "Oxford Owl" Tapestry upload. The link is also available on Tapestry.



2023-2024 Long Term Plan

Phonics: Read Write Inc

Here is the link to the Read Write Inc website. Read Write Inc is the scheme we use to successfully teach children how to read and write over their year in Reception. Phonics teaching using Read Write Inc will also continue into KS1. You will find lots of video clips and advice around how to support your child's reading and writing development at home.